
If you’re having trouble logging into one of our Hub services, such as Knowledge Base, Video Training Library, or Idea Share, please make sure you’re signed into your Office Key. If you continue to experience issues, try the solutions below. If your problems continue, please reach out to Client Support Services

Missing or Unconfirmed Email 

To access Hub, your User Profile must include an email. Additionally, some resources require that you confirm your email. 

Go to Utilities | User Profile. 

  1. If your Email is missing or incorrect, click Change Email. Enter your Email in both fields and click Save and Confirm. If your email is correct, but not confirmed, click Confirm Email
  2. Enter the Confirmation Code that was sent to your email address, and click Confirm.

 Incomplete Name in User Management 

To access Hub, your name in User Management must include a space, so the system can detect a first name and last name. 

Go to Utilities | User Management. 

  1. Select your User Name in the Users tab. 
  2. Enter a Full Name that includes a space. 
  3. Click Save

Safari® Users - Cross-site Tracking Setting 

To use Hub resources with Safari®, you must allow Cross-site tracking. 

Note: Alternately, you can use Chrome™ or Edge®.